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Innovate, innovate, innovate – Advances at the DOE in 2013

May 2014

The Dictionary of Old English has published its annual progress report for 2013. The biggest innovation this year: a large number of technological advancements.

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April 2012

Dictionary of Old English 2011 Progress Report Published

Another year – another DOE Progress Report. Find out what has been going on at the dictionary that “defines the first chapter of the English language” since 2011.
DOE Homepage 2011
The new Dictionary of Old English homepage

The Dictionary of Old English continues its tradition of pioneering state-of-the art technology in lexicology. The project "Parker on the Web", providing links between DOE citations with difficult readings and thumbnail images of the Parker manuscript, is progressing well, thanks to the hard work of the DOE team and the newly developed Digital Mappaemundi software. Furthermore, the DOE webpage has been completely redesigned and now presents itself in a gorgeous new look in Indian red and light grey. It also offers some new functions, such as a Distribution Map showing institutions currently subscribing to the DOE publications.

The DOE is making good progress towards completing the writing of the letter H, which will be published next, towards the lemmatization of S, the largest letter, and towards the drafting entries for I/Y, L, M and N.

Finally, the DOE team is now taking steps to extend their outreach to a wider public. An animated YouTube video has been uploaded, highlighting Old English and the DOE. In addition, a Facebook page has been created in memory of Angus Cameron, founder of the dictionary. With these actions taken, the next year is likely to become an even more successful one than 2011 for the DOE.